Samsung's sustainable ethos wins awards.

Samsung have been awarded for being the highest achievers in their efforts to employ sustainable practices in goods manufacturing.

The new TV remote will prevent millions of batteries going to land fill and as well, Samsung will be cleaning the oceans and preventing land fill by recycling fishing nets to use in components.

 “Samsung’s eco-innovation in materials and responsible recycling program have been recognized each year by the EPA and our consumer recycling programs have received the highest SMM award level since the *SMM Program’s inception in 2014 Samsung’s honors include a Gold Tier Award, the EPA’s highest award for the responsible recycling of electronic waste (e-waste) and a Sustained Excellence Award, a new EPA accolade.” visit to read more.

*Sustainable Materials Management ethos (SMM)

Battery Storage Technologies

Gelion the developer behind the new zinc-bromide battery storage technology, claim their batteries can discharge to 0% and charge back to 100% whilst withstanding high temperatures, and that they are recyclable. 

"Gelion’s battery uses materials that are abundant, inexpensive, recyclable and abuse-tolerant."

Youtube video from 2 days ago has already had 29k views.

The first Gelion stand alone power supplies were deployed around 2 years ago in Sydney, to power street lights. Today Gelion offer a stationary power supply solution and have developed lithium-ion add-ons to boost the energy density of existing lithium-ion batteries.

In August of this year 2021, Gelion also produced a mobile desalination unit and deployed it for field tests along side Sydney Harbour, and intend to extend the duration of its next deployment to satisfy all of our now, very high expectations.

Hemp Trimmer Line

Hemp Trimmer Line com
For a sustainable future, we need to stop shredding plastics around our vegetable gardens with our trimmers. How the heck are we going to pick it all up?
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Sustainable Living Expo

The Floriade is a once in 10 years Expo in the Netherlands. There is a competition, an artist will be chosen and will be granted 40k Euro to install their work. Flower displays, green products and visiting delegations from all corners of the globe sharing their ideas.
         "For six months, starting on 14 April 2022, Almere (NL) will be the stage for the International Horticultural Exhibition Floriade Expo 2022. During the Floriade, the Dutch horticulture sector, in conjunction with national and international participants, will exhibit green solutions that can make our cities more fun, liveable and sustainable."
visit site below